Mothership podcast series [cancelled]

Linh Le
Mothership Logbook
Published in
5 min readJul 27, 2018


Please see update in the bottom of post.

We’re currently in the process of recording the upcoming Podcast produced by Mothership, but what is it exactly and why did we come up with this idea? Today’s post will go into the exact reasons as to why we are working on such an initiative.

How did Mothership Podcast Series come about?

In the pursuit of communicating our vision and what we value, we have opened dialogues on various social media platforms such as Twitter and Telegram. The conversations with the community and interested individuals on these channels have led to discussions on interesting topics such as digital identities, location-independent entrepreneurship and cryptocurrency trading.

There’s nothing we enjoy more than talking about these topics (in fact, we don’t do anything else on a daily basis) and many of the questions we receive tend to recur every now and then, so we were discussing how we could best address the requests while sharing our knowledge, vision and thoughts with you in a suitable format. The discussion has concluded that a podcast would be the best medium to transpire all these desired contents, and that’s why you are hearing from us about it right now!

In this podcast series, you will learn about fundamental Mothership facts such as where the idea of the company came from, how it is being built and the legal framework in which we are operating. Acting as a ground for organic growth through healthy debates, the podcast aims to cover more than just standard expectations of factual statements, so be on the watch out for lots of extended content.

Why do we spend time working on a podcast?

Recording a decent podcast is an assignment that comes with a lot commitments and responsibilities, however below are the reasons why we feel that it is important to invest our time and resources in this production.

1. To bring you along on our journey

Mothership has been built from an ambitious idea to a current team of 16 members across the world (we are digital nomads ourselves after all), working together on a shared mission. The journey has taught us many valuable lessons and is still testing us with new challenges every day.

We want to share with you not only the knowledge that we have gained during the process, such as our experiences with different financial institutions, the dealing with legal framework in Estonia and our view on cryptocurrencies, but also the challenges we encounter while building the products which we envision to be the game-changer for location-independent businesses and individuals.

2. To keep you informed

As a startup, we have to work on many aspects at the same time. There are pending legal matters to solve, product updates to share, new team members to recruit, media campaigns to launch, eResidency features to integrate and the list goes on.

Having the podcast permits us to inform you about subjects that deserve proper explanation and discuss your concerns and questions in details without taking up intensive resources from those involved in the discussion.

3. To build a community with a shared vision of the world

An uneasy journey yields inspiring stories. We are here with a strong belief: every each of us is entitled to access and participate in the economy, no matter where s/he may be located in the world. Our mission is to make that a reality with products and services that simplify finance for any market participant as if borders do not exist.

Through the sharing of our stories and inspirations in our upcoming podcast, it is our very sincere hope to inspire listeners to partake in the endeavour through discourse, action or participation. We want you to know that you are not in this alone and Mothership stand with you.

How will the podcast look like?

Photo credit:

The series will be launched as a seasonal podcast, each season contains eight 30-minute episodes and corresponds to a specific theme that is decided upon collecting ideas and requests from the community. These eight episodes will be released on a weekly basis over the course of two-month and a month break will follow each full season to prepare for the next season.

We aim to cover topics which you are most interested in and most frequent questions asked via our community platforms. It is our aim to address these requests, invite guests with relevant backgrounds to share their perspectives and create space for discourse about topics that we all share a mutual passion for.

Final thoughts

As any other young startup, we have a lot of jobs at hand and can never seem to have enough labour resources. But we believe in the power of shared knowledge, so for us it is an absolute must to share our learning on the journey of building a financial system that works for everyone, and we are truly excited to commence on this production.

Our upcoming season, coming up in September, will be hosted by Dylan Damsma with focus on Mothership and we will explain in-depth why we are building Mothership, what our inspirations and drives are, the challenges we face and share the product decisions we made. Stay tuned for updates — more are on the way!

Update: This Podcast series is no longer happening due to the departure of our ex-Chief-Growth-Officer, Dylan. For more information about our new communication strategy, head over to this update right here.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Mothership is a financial services company, which offers a cryptocurrency exchange as a core product, that supports location-independent individuals and business with direct eResidency integration.

Want to know more about us? Sign-up for our product on and be sure to follow us on Twitter.

